This week we have been designing and building floating boats. We had to think about suitable materials to use, and then design one that we could carry our plastic teddies on. We had a few problems with some, but thought of how we could fix them, and today we tested them out, and reflected on what we had learned from this challenge. All of our boats carried 10 teddies, and we showed them off at our school assembly.
The weather has been good for that sort of thing. It won't be long before we will be swimming again.
You are all great boat builders.
I like the way you tried out your ideas and kept working on them even when it was a bit tricky.
You are all great boat builders.
I like the way you tried out your ideas and kept working on them even when it got tricky
Nice work Room 1 at Tasman. We liked your cool making. We liked how big your boats were. From Room 1 Upper Moutere School
We loved your cool boats, we thought they were huge. We wonder how they floated with so many teddies on them.
Ruby was very proud of her boat and enjoyed the floating and sinking.
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